1. invent
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Did the Indians invent cigars?
What did Bell invent?
If God did not exist, we'd have to invent him.
invent games
Have you ever thought that maybe you invented this story?
wymyślić np. żarówkę, radio: Radio was invented
Man may invent anything, save for the art of being happy.
There is no God, unless you invent Him.
Don't use "discover" when you mean "invent".
Josephine decided to try and invent a machine which could wash a lot of plates.
Fudge keeps telling the Daily Prophet, we're no nearer catching Black than inventing self-spelling wands.
When tanks were first invented, the British government shipped them in giant containers marked "tanks", as though they were tanks of liquid or gas.
I have lots of ideas of things I’d like to invent.
Angol szówynaleźć„(invent) készletekben:
Najważniejsze słówka do matury część 1słówka z angielskiego maclaz nauka i technika 1UNIT 8 ART: Leonardo da Vinci - listeningWORLD QUEST 2 ~ UNIT 2 ~ VOCABULARY SB p. 16-17The pros and cons of technology2. devise
We must devise some means of escape.
He was asked to devise a new sport.
they devised a clever way
t may be the most important piece of machinery ever devised.
She devised a method for quicker communications between offices.
Yet this is also an opportunity to devise new solutions to the new problems.
The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by Charles M. Schultz.
If an error occuts in the code, you must devise a solution.
devise a plan, system, or machine
devise rules
Tell your mom about this genius shit you have just devised in your head.
Lewis devised a method for drawing structures
we can devise learning algorithms which...
The soldiers devised a way to cross the river into enemy territory without being seen
They had devised a plan to prevent competitors form stealing their technology.
3. discover
Everyone was very surprised to discover that the slave girl was in reality a princess.
Columbus discovered America.
It is only by the exercise of reason that man can discover God.
When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.
Don't use "discover" when you mean "invent".
Discover all the services and advantages of first class.
If you discover any problems on Tatoeba, you should go ahead and blame Sysko.
His crew members often complained of Christopher Columbus's hogging of their vessel's Wifi connection to play online games, but he denied these accusations with indignation, claiming that he was researching faraway lands that they had yet to discover.
I have read a good many books to discover what the authorities had to say that made the matter a little plainer.
For when a woman is left too much alone, sooner or later she begins to think;- And no man knows what then she may discover.
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
The first and the simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is Curiosity.
It was discovered that he didn't pay taxes and he ended up in jail.
Many people are keen to discover more about their family history.
The role of the historian is less to discover and catalog documents than to interpret and explain them.
4. develop
developing world
The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn.
Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the proximity of objects around them.
Shy people can develop drug dependence as a defense.
Research shows that children of homosexuals develop just as normally as kids in heterosexual families.
In foreign countries, especially in Western countries, students are encouraged to express and develop themselves as individuals.
For world peace, therefore, we must develop the consciousness that we are all one people of planet Earth through continual international cultural and economic exchange.
The latter will continue to develop along their own paths according to the needs of their own speakers.
He's born from a Jewish mother and a Muslim father; this helped him much to develop a kind of openmindedness.
Some species gradually develop elaborate repertoires of dozens or even hundreds of variants of a basic song.
After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to develop.
A man can no more become a woman than a monkey can develop into a man.
When something develops, it grows. And if you develop something, you create it.
A short story eventually developed into a full-scale novel.
Do you remember I told you about a game I’ve been developing?