1. due to
due to the bad weather
The metal decreases in size due to cooling.
This is certainly due to the familial organisation of his universe.
Pitching tendency occurs due to the reduction of downwash from the wings and the propeller.
Yesterday's airlift was late due to fog in England.
Unfortunately, she is absent due to illness.
I'm a good person due to my parents
we should help those who lose their jobs due to budget cuts.
We’re due to meet tomorrow
The fall in sales was due to the difficult economic climate. We had to stay home due to lack of funds.
Why is that due to? Why don't we sometimes get along very well?
due to the economic crisis the spanish property market is facing a complex situation
it’s all due to you.
We arrived outside the cinema before the stars were due to arrive.
Mexico showed the biggest jump in happiness outside Europe, probably due to free elections.
Angol szówskutek„(due to) készletekben:
Podstawowe słowa potrzebneZiemia i jej zasobyANG_UG_I by Nikodem DźwigSłówka z czytanekvocabulary 7&82. due
due tommorrow
Forming an information infrastructure, the real impact of the information highway is an expectation of new economic development due to a shift from a tangible hardware-industry to brain-oriented software-industry.
It is foreseen that, due to the decline in grain production, China will quickly become a world leading grain importing country, overtaking Japan.
Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
In Japan, due partly to the fitness boom that began from around 2000, 'dumbbell training' also appeared as a way to exercise at home.
Despite a large surplus in merchandise trade, the current account surplus is not so big due to a deficit in invisible trade.
If an oversight is the reason why you have not paid, please send us the amount due, and let us solve the problem immediately.
The tax base is 1000 USD, so 100 USD of annual tax is due.
(n) “give the devil his due”; “the society dropped him for non-payment of dues”/ (adj) “payment is due”
The team are due to fly to Italy next month. She's pregnant and the baby's due in April. The final results of the experiment are due on December 9. When are the library books due BACK?
1. Any money due you will be sent by cheque through the post. 2. We'll get there in due time. 3 due to something
3. as a result
l was unsure of the answer and as a result I didn’t select anything.
The tower collapsed as a result of safety violations.
Angol szówskutek„(as a result) készletekben:
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