1. The
Call the police!
We're getting out of here. The cops are coming.
When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me.
I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning.
Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.
Hearing the terrible noise, I asked him what was going on.
It seems likely that people in the city will move to the country.
Is the university's library open now?
Just go in and tell the boss you want a raise. "That's easier said than done."
The best policy for us to observe is to mind our own business.
Is the Loch Ness monster real or is it just an elaborate hoax?
All the coaches of the train were packed to capacity ten minutes before it started.
Excuse me, let me point out three mistakes in the above article.
I walked as far as the post office, where I took the bus for Tokyo Station.
We all took for granted that the professor could speak English.
Angol szóthe„(The) készletekben:
druga część module 2 hotspot 1Days of the weekEnglish matter 11.20192. In
I live in Warsaw.
Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.
Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.
Poverty does more to bring out the worst in people and conceal the best than anything else in the world.
Kissing one's spouse in public is considered acceptable behavior in some countries.
In the United States, it takes a minimum of eight years of college to become a medical doctor.
Water, in its natural state, is a fluid.
An estimated 20% of the water used by homeowners in cities is used for their grass.
What you spend time doing in your childhood affects the rest of your life.
The inland taipan, a snake found in Australia, is the most venomous snake in the world.
In North America, business operates on "the customer is always right" principle.
I'm the type who gets nervous in front of people, so I'm bad at speech making.
Please make your reservation one week in advance.
If I should be suddenly spoken to in English, I might run away.
The Democrats haven't decided on their candidates yet, but in any case they're sure to lose.