szótár lengyel - angol

język polski - English

pogląd angolul:

1. view

I certainly don't subscribe to the view that women are necessarily more moral than men.
You can't view Flash content on an iPad. However, you can easily email yourself the URLs of these web pages and view that content on your regular computer when you get home.
By freeing thought from its object, Descartes made it possible to view the latter in strictly mechanical terms, reopening the way to science, suffocated for more than fifteen centuries under religious nonsense.
in my view
I like the one-sided view foreigners have of Japan. It makes me happy when ninjas, hentai anime, samurai and stuff like that come up.
In my view, everyone should have intellectual hobbies as well as an interest in physical activities.
Japan's problem has been that she has continued to view international relations as an extension of her hierarchical interpersonal relations at home.
The secret of success lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from his angle as well as from your own.
The girl wanted to monopolize her father's affection and tended to view her mother as a competitor.
Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam.
Capital investments planned by major Japanese businesses for this year have been revised upward in view of an improving economic outlook.
The attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights.
There are good grounds for the view that Paris was the scene of frequent riots even before the revolution of 1789.
view (n)
But what if you viewed them instead as signs that your body was energized, was preparing you to meet this challenge?

Angol szópogląd„(view) készletekben:

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2. outlook

The outlook is grim.
The Japanese are often criticized for being inward looking and insufficiently international in their outlook.
I can work with people who vary widely in their personal qualities and outlook.
I like his outlook on life. He takes pleasure in everyday situations and never worries too much.
Capital investments planned by major Japanese businesses for this year have been revised upward in view of an improving economic outlook.
We must be a step ahead of the times in our outlook.
His doctors all agreed his outlook was poor and pressed remedies upon him
Europe's economic outlook today is quite dualistic
having a miserable and dark outlook
People find her depressing because she has such a pessimistic outlook.
Karen has a generally positive outlook on life; she never complains about anything!
Overall | the economic situation and outlook remain unusually uncertain.
What sort of outlook do you have on life - optimistic or pessimistic?
outlook = a general attitude towards something, e.g. life or the world. Outlook is a point of view.
There seems to be a difference in outlook between us.

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Compound nouns - verb+preposition
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3. belief

People should not be discriminated because of their beliefs.
Some of Martin Luther King's supporters began to question his belief in peaceful protests.
It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism.
Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that the voice she heard was from God and none other.
range of beliefs
It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations of the earth are in a conspiracy to undervalue them.
Some think that a belief in Santa Claus is on a par with belief in God.
Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self.
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.
I would rather die than conceal my belief.
What makes the Japanese unique is primarily their belief that they are unique.
That is what I will try to do – to speak the truth as best I can, humbled by the task before us, and firm in my belief that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that drive us apart.
Much of the modern resistance to chastity comes from men's belief that they "own" their bodies.
A wise man, therefore, proportions his belief to the evidence.

Angol szópogląd„(belief) készletekben:

UNIT 1 the mind + attitudes nd beliefs+ phrasal verbs
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4. notion

primitive notion
Let's dispense with this confused notion right now
In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asiatic language" Claude Piron has shown the similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thereby putting to rest the notion that Esperanto is purely eurocentric.
In the same way as Hegel, Panovsky's notion of the dialectic makes history follow a predetermined course.
In this paper I would like to examine the notion of "dyad style" and its influence on fine arts.
Last studies contradict this notion
The findings may mean having to cast aside many traditional notions when it comes to money and financial choices.
Who put the notion into his head that he could sing? Now we'll have to listen to him.
I don`t understand this notion.
The show's ​director ​rejects the notion that ​seeing ​violence on ​television has a ​harmful ​effect on ​children.
So I think it's in everyone's interests to try and broaden out the concept of philanthropy into a wider notion of giving, making a contribution, making a difference.
And that's what Professor Cunningham means when he says we should broaden out the notion – or idea – of philanthropy.
The definition of a notion is an idea, belief or vague knowledge of something. An example of a notion is when you have an idea of what acceptable behavior is.
Paying mothers a sałaty to rise their children is an Interesting notion.

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5. perception

to have a different perception
The problem lies in the fact that the necessary gap is bridged by perception.
If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
And it is only a very short step from there, to perception which occurs in the absence of all immediate signals and has to be labeled extrasensory.
This means that our perception of any situation depends only partly on sensory signals being received at that time.
It is hard, perhaps even impossible, to define normal sensory perception.
Before I got to know Donald, the perception I had of him was that he was cold and unfriendly.
It's an icon of water itself, and it elevates people's perception of contemporary design.
perception the way someone interprets something they see or hear
it's your responsibility as a communicator to make sure that they are getting the accurate perception of your behaviour.
It's perception. According to Darren Treadway, bullying is a matter of perception - the way some action is interpreted by a person, in this case, a subordinate.
Someone once said that happiness is 90% perception, and ten percent reality
The parents wouldn't share their perceptions about their children's behaviour.
What is your perception of the minister’s handling of the situation?
Perception is based, to a very large extent, on conceptual models - which are always inadequate, often incomplete and sometimes profoundly wrong.

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