1. however
You are wrong, however.
Nutella is not very well known in Japan. However, in America and Europe it's a popular spread and various sized jars of Nutella may be seen lined up inside many grocery stores and supermarkets.
In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security.
All of his friends were body pillows, and all of hers were dolls; so they bonded over their fondness for animating the inanimate. However, because they were not inanimate objects but people with complex emotions, their relationship was sometimes strained.
The future progressive tense is used when expressing events and action in progress at some future point, however the example sentence cannot be understood in that way.
That's correct. In Japanese, ウエートレス corresponds both to the English "waitress" and "weightless". However, "waitress" is the more usual meaning.
I have one of my friends who graduated from university and became a fine public servant. Once he told me that what he had learned from school had been useless. However, what little philosophy he had learned proved to be of great benefit.
We're not going to get there in time, however fast we drive. He had always been a successful businessman. Recently, however, things have not been going well for him.
However, what's interesting is that whilst there are people whose computer use has become a problem, there are also people who have recovered from illness because of using computers.
Oh my. However much it's just a P.E. class; if you don't face it in real earnest, then when it comes to a real fight it won't do you any good.
In adolescence, I hated life and was continually on the verge of suicide, from which, however, I was restrained by the desire to know more mathematics.
Lojban is designed to be unambiguous in orthography, phonology, morphology, and grammar. Lojban semantics, however, must support the same breadth of human thought as natural languages.
When he openly declared he would marry Pablo, he almost gave his grandmother a heart attack and made his aunt's eyes burst out of their sockets; however, his little sister beamed with pride.
Nowadays, however, calculators can be used freely in school examinations, and already in many schools the only sound to be heard during a math exam is the sound of children tapping on their calculators.
Angol szójakkolwiek„(however) készletekben:
Metoda Callana stage 5 lesson 65-66ANGIELSKI justyna zeszyt - fiszki part 1Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban - Chapter...Lekcja wygenerowana z obrazkasłówka Ola matura 4 ang-pol2. although
although + full sentence
Although an increase of unmarried mothers is needed in order to escape the declining birth rate for some reason public opinion in Japan is avoiding this argument.
The President cannot make clouds to rain and cannot make the corn to grow, he cannot make business good; although when these things occur, political parties do claim some credit for the good things that have happened in this way.
Schools have tried to limit their use by not allowing them to be used in math classes, although they allow them in science lessons to save time.
Although Al-Sayib would never admit it, the real reason he hates noobs that much is that he got pwned by one while Dima watched and laughed his ass off.
Although I was the eldest son in the family, I was the third child in the sequence, so everyone from superiors to inferiors called Yun “third lady.”
Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
Although I broke test tubes and played about with chemicals for fun, I did occasionally manage to obey the teacher's instructions as well; repeating experiments that others had long ago undertaken.
Они вернутся, хотя не хотят|They will return although they don’t want to
a material resources deteriorate over time, although its human resources improve
The forgot username process, although an available option in the career section properties, should not be used since users are forced to log using their email address.
You use although to introduce a subordinate clause which contains a statement that contrasts with the statement in the main clause
He had a weak point --this Fortunato --although in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared. He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine.
Those who choose to retire can do so as early as sixty-two, although starting to draw their Social Security distributions at that age would mean that the payments would be reduced by twenty percent.
Although I modified this extravagance later by including the beautiful life among the works of art that alone gave a meaning to life, it was still beauty that I valued.
Angol szójakkolwiek„(although) készletekben:
strona 16 i 17 SOLUTIONS3. anyhow
Anyhow let's begin.
He never did his work anyhow.
Anyhow, I'm relieved the test is over.
It may rain, but I will go today anyhow.
It's too late, anyhow.
Anyhow it will be a good idea to hurry up.
Anyhow, just why is it that I have to be sent out in the middle of the night to buy a canned drink?
The claim of community involvement is just window dressing; City Hall will do what it wants to anyhow.
Anyhow, having been held in school from morning to evening ... anybody'd be happy on getting released.
There was nothing she could do about it anyhow.
Do whatever you want, there will be gossiping anyhow.
Anyhow, don't make me one.
We could not open the box anyhow.
I shall go anyhow. do it anyhow you like. she leaves things just anyhow
Anyhow, lunch ... is where I wanted to go but I decided to go to the toilet first.
4. howsoever
Angol szójakkolwiek„(howsoever) készletekben:
Contract Law (unit 6)