1. keep
Keep out!
How long are you going to keep whimpering about that? You can't change the past.
I keep saying that I'm innocent, but no one will listen.
If Spenser doesn't keep adding and translating sentences, the other contributors will surely surpass him.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
Doctors should keep abreast with all the latest developments in medicine.
If you keep at it you will eventually succeed.
My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!
A family should not spend all of its money to keep someone alive on a machine.
I'm going to keep track of all the expenses on this trip.
Throughout the five years of painful cancer treatments, he managed to keep a stiff upper lip.
Call me every few days, and in that way we can keep in touch if something happens.
Keep a close eye on Tom and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble.
The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass".
Keep a box of baking soda in the fridge to keep it smelling clean.
Angol szóING„(keep) készletekben:
formy czasowników2. cant stand
Angol szóING„(cant stand) készletekben:
wynajmowanie mieszkania3. miss
I miss you.
What if I miss the deadline? "I bet he will get mad at you!"
If this train is delayed, we shall miss our connection at Kobe.
The only person who is tired of waiting for Miss Cobb.
Miss, that dress is splendid, it has a sheer silhouette and is very classy.
Mr Yamada, may I introduce Miss Lloyd?
Miss Tanaka! You are living with gentlemen house mates! Please refrain from being pantless!
The Miss Universe contestant tripped on her gown but got up again gracefully and continued down the runway.
We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends, namely, when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success.
The head of the college, whose name was Miss Baker, therefore had a special place in the car park for her own small car.
Happy birthday, Miss Aiba!
Having been in America for many years, Miss Tanaka is a very good speaker of English.
As the young man's car was close to the fence, Miss Baker had to drive up beside it on the other side, where the girl was sitting.
Does your father miss working now that he has retired?
4. succeed in
I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.
The only way to succeed in life was to study very hard.
5. look forward to
I look forward to seeing you soon.
I look forward to seeing you next week.
We look forward to hearing from you
People usually look forward to achieving their goal
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to our meeting.
I look forward to meeting you next year.
I look forward to your responce
I look forward to that party.
I look forward to meeting you.
I really look forward to meeting you.
I look forward to opening Christmas gifts.
I've never looked forward to a journey more. I look forward to your trial.
I look forward to meeting you
6. compliment sb on
7. waste time
I don’t watch much TV because I don’t like to waste time.
Don't waste time tonight.
I do not like to waste time on commuting. / I can't waste time looking for these stuff.
8. suggest
What do you suggest?
Tom doesn't think there is any advantage of doing it the way you suggest we do it.
I suggest we discuss politics.
Statistics suggest that the population of this town will double in five years.
If you request a further discount, we suggest changing the terms of payment.
He got tired of being the devil's advocate and now agrees with every idea they suggest, no matter how dumb.
I suggest that
The data suggest that the optimum length of a lecture may be 30 instead of 60 minutes.
I suggest you to go absolutely on a trip to Ferrara and Ravenna.
If you're unhappy with your private life, I suggest you register on Facebook. It's the best way to get rid of it.
You ought to help her out. He suggested that I help her out.
Let’s go out for a walk. He suggested going out for a walk.
People who use a lot of swear words tend to be more honest and trustworthy, human behavioral studies suggest.
Should I suggest separate holidays this year?
Doctors suggest eating five pieces of fruit and vegetables every day.
9. spend time
I like to spend time on things that interest me.
- I love spending time with my wife. - How do you spend time with your wife? - Once a week we go on a date.
10. risk
At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.
I know that interest rates are fixed in accordance to the borrower's business risk.
at risk
It's a job worth doing, but if I think about the working hours and the risk ... I could be onto a real losing proposition here.
Risk all and gain all.
Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, to risk their lives for us.
Calculating the risk which is involved in the event of failure, he demanded a show-down with the other party.
His style (if you were to call it that) was excessively (though I run the risk of hypocrisy) parenthetical (pardon the pun).
Risk money refers to funds placed in investments that seek high-return, although high-risk, investments.
However, it seems that just because it's a 'low risk day' doesn't mean that you won't get pregnant from intravaginal ejaculation.
I will risk drinking tea in Mrs Ewelina's house. Maybe I'll survive.
Some people's fear of flying is far out of proportion to the actual risk it involves.
Holding the Olympics where there's severe atmospheric pollution gives rise to a great risk for athletes.
Causing competitors to fail, obtaining confidential information, something that big business just can't do without - high risk but at the same time high return work.
Do you think she would risk her life... her son's life... if she wasn't certain her husband was murdered?
11. resist
I don't watch a lot of movies, but I can't resist a good documentary.
resist change
Give me the strength to resist the temptation. / 2. There are always those who resist progress. / 3. You resist what can bring you peace. / 4. I'm pretty sure I can resist you.
However long it takes; we will resist the enemy and we will never give up.
Couldn't resist telling the dentist "yeh it makes me feel numb" when he asked me did I have any problems with local anaesthetic.
Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.
We, ACME Ltd., hereby announce that we will resist with all our strength this hostile takeover.
Even though we resist this by all means — it is a fact.
I resist being tempted to spend a lot of money on clothes.
Children usually resist their parents' tyranny, rebel against them and eventually confront them. I couldn't resist buying such a beautiful dress.
They are determined to resist pressure to change the law. / The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. / I can never resist the urge to laugh.
Learn the rules of rugby and you will be unable to resist it
The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days. I can never resist temptation/chocolate/the urge to laugh. The party leader resisted demands for his resignation.
This material resists water very well. This material is highly water resistant. This is an extremely water-resistant material. This material has very good resistance to water. his material has excellent water resistance.
12. practise
She practises piano every morning.
If you want to improve you must practise.
practise basketball
It has become common practise to employ foreigners working abroad from Asian countries as maids.
That's just standard practise, it's not like they're cutting corners.
Just getting one-to-one guidance was enough to make it an extremely fulfilling practise session.
You need to practise more.
He sometimes practises at home too.
You should practise introducing yourself.
the more you practise speaking english the more fluent you’ll get
I practise speaking english.
His written French is very good but he needs to practise speaking it.
Paulina had a chance to practise speaking German when she went to Austria.
I practise judo twice a week.
It is normal practise to contact the company's home office in these kinds of cases.
13. postpone
Let's postpone dinner.
For the moment, we want to postpone making a decision.
I will postpone my trip to Scotland until it is warmer.
We were to be married in May but had to postpone the marriage until June.
The decision of whether to invest in new stock was postponed till the next financial year.
Can we postpone our appointment?
Our class postponed the test until Friday.
If you postpone meeting with their representatives, another chance like that might not appear in the future.
we can't postpone the decision any longer
Because of illness, the concert is postponed until further notice.
An emergency came up so Helen had to postpone our dinner-date.
They have agreed to postpone repayment of the loan to a future unspecified date.
I postponed starting my homework until Sunday morning when the house was quiet.
procrastinate = To postpone or delay needlessly.
the visit had to be postponed for some time
14. mention
Don't mention it. / You should just mention my name if you see him again. / She mentioned her new project, Hidden Oxford, and promised to show me some pictures later in the week.
Don't mention
I had a nagging feeling that the atmosphere resembled somebody and, now that you mention it, yes, you're right. Certainly ZZ TOP had this kind of feel.
It is acceptable to mention your job and interests and to ask the other person about his, but be careful not to let the conversation become too personal.
Mention each member by name, please.
For the sake of completeness, let us mention that the ring R - considered as a module over itself - has submodules of arbitrarily large finite length.
If you mention New Year in China, the image that many people will think of is a family gathered around wrapping dumplings together.
If the other person does mention his family, then it is perfectly OK to ask about the ages of the children, and if you have children, to compare educational and cultural differences in raising children.
Max mentioned his visit to London in his email.
I'm definitely gonna mention that in my profile in Business, Man! Magazine.
We combed police records of the incident but found no mention of witnesses seeing a tall, bearded man.
The survey also mentioned that women in particular have accepted online shopping and will be more likely in the future to shop across a large range of producs.
I didn’t realize I had paint on my dress until someone mentioned it.
In a recent article about activities to keep your brain young, they mention Esperanto along with Sudoku, which shows that Esperanto is becoming part of popular culture.
15. mind
Speak your mind.
His mind was filled with happy thoughts.
The thought flashed through her mind that she was going to die.
With a firm goal in mind, you will do well.
With the T.V. on, how can you keep your mind on your studies?
All during my trip I could not keep you out of my mind.
Obviously, Tom had a lot on his mind, but I had no choice but to ask him to spend some time helping us with our problems.
Bear in mind that, under such circumstances, we have no alternative but to find another buyer.
He turned the problem over in his mind for three days before he did anything about it.
Whether I'm sleeping or awake, this subject is always in my mind.
David has a keen interest in aesthetics — the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
I've had a lot on my mind recently and have had trouble falling asleep at night.
If we're going to play, make your mind up about the rules!
When the teacher is very strict, the students must mind their P's and Q's.
No one in their right mind would walk in those woods at night.
16. noun
It's OK to think of 'five minutes' as a noun phrase, right?
“Car” is a countable noun.
Apple is a countable noun, so it makes grammatical sense to have five apples.
The trouble with "trouble" is that it's sometimes a verb, sometimes a noun, sometimes countable, sometimes not. Oh, well. Trouble troubles me little, and little troubles trouble me not at all.
In English there are eight main parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and finally interjection.
When writing for a German newspaper, every few sentences you should replace some grammatical case with a dative, or a noun with its English translation, to make your article linguistically more interesting.
Accordingly, besides noun declension patterns, there also existed a greater variety of verb conjugation patterns than in Modern English.
This type of noun phrase is called a "concealed question".
This particle turns a noun into a verb.
Sometimes a verb is derived from a noun and sometimes it is the other way around.
How many nouns are there in this sentence?
With the first election of a woman into the seat of Chancellorship, the word "Bundeskanzlerin," as a feminine noun for the title, was voted Word of the Year in 2005 by the Academy of German Language.
Today we learned some common nouns
Pen, animal, desk - they're examples of nouns.
'-osity' is an abstract noun word ending created from the ending of an '-ous' adjective.
17. involve
What does it involve?
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. To involve means to connect.
To involve means to connect. When you get involved in the Spanish Club, you attend meetings and events.
The sentence can generally involve a decree of imprisonment, a fine and/or other punishments against a defendant convicted of a crime
Service industries include communication, transportation, distribution, finance and a host of other areas which do not involve production of goods.
Prices and length of study vary according to the speciality but all involve intensive home study as well as college-based tuition.
/inwolw/ * what exactly does the job involve? (+ Ing .. My course involves doing a lot of research )
They execute endless practice runs and then review their in‐flight decisions, attempting to hone their minds to select the best approach to any given scenario, particularly those that involve the use of deadly force.
Only a small number of players seem to have been involved.
a person who makes money by starting their own business that typically involves some financial risk
My work involves: human contact / team work / long hours / dealing with customers / travelling a lot/ solving problems
He believed that some kind of supernatural forces were involved in his healing.
When you are involved in an argument and both you and the other person know (or rather believe) you are right, do you insist on the other person admitting they are wrong, or do you just let the matter drop for the sake of peace and quiet.
The trips often involve a lot of walking.; an event involving hundreds of people; I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning.
If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part of it.; to affect or include someone or something in an activity; to make someone be part of an activity or process
18. finish
Let me finish.
I wish I could figure out how to finish this project without asking for help.
When writing a sentence, generally you start with a capital letter and finish with a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?).
What do you want to do after you finish college?
My supervisor is making me do this so I'm in no hurry to finish.
She helped her younger brother finish his picture.
If we begin early, we can finish by lunch.
Tom told Mary that he wouldn't be able finish the job in the amount of time she'd given him.
I found this book interesting from start to finish.
We don't have time to finish checking the figures now, but we can go over them after lunch.
It's doubtful if we'll finish in time for Christmas.
We cannot finish it before Saturday even if everything goes well.
Apply two coats of the paint for a good finish.
It was such a hard test that we did not have time to finish.
The sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish.
19. feel like
Do you feel like, going for a walk?
I feel like dancing.
I feel like
i don’t feel like going out tonight
I feel like going to the cinema
I feel like going for a swim
Do you feel like going to the cinema with me?
I feel like going for pizza tonight.
I feel like a cup of coffee\drinking coffee.
Do you feel like dancing?
I feel like some chocolate. Jane felt like crying.
(go) I don't feel like ... out tonight.
I feel like drinking a beer.
I feel like watching TV. I don't fell like going to school.
I feel like going to the restaurant
20. fancy
I never for a moment imagined I'd be able to afford to live in such a fancy house.
Just fancy!
... fine, nice, nothing really fancy but on the pricier...
i don't need a fancy house or a fast car
I fancy shopping here – there are many fashionable clothes to choose from.
Fancy forgetting my glasses, it's so embarrassing.
Bob mounted the portrait in a fancy frame, but it was upside down.
This expression has really caught my fancy, as a type of English metaphorical expression not in Japanese.
I fancy that most people who think at all have done a great deal of their thinking in the first fourteen years.
lt's like fancy cheese in an old guy's mouth.
That's quite a fancy suit you've got, not your usual style.
It is difficult to separate fact from fancy.
He fancies himself as a bit of a singer. [+ to infinitive] Who do you fancy to win the Cup this year? [+ (that)] literary I fancied (that) I saw something moving in the corner.
The pretty lace blouse had a fancy embroidered trimming.
This cemetery even has its own site, and there is a page “News” on it! Can you fancy news from the graveyard?!
21. face
Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.
Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it.
His face brightened.
We face competition from foreign suppliers.
I'm getting little pimples on my face. I wonder if I've been getting enough sleep lately.
I'm going to speak to you with utmost candor so I want you to take everything I'm about to say at face value.
If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed.
The last to leave was a tall man, with a pale face and smooth, black hair.
A face with too much make up looks strange.
I think it's highly unlikely that Tom will ever face criminal charges.
My what a narrow waist! Her face is small, she really looks just like a doll!
Our section chief always makes a face at me when I ask him for something.
They carried on with the construction in the face of strong opposition from the residents.
A parasol is used during the summertime to shade the face.
He thinks he knows everything but, as a matter of face, he is very ignorant.
22. enjoy
Enjoy yourself!
Skiing, barbecues, parties: with this plan you get the best of everything and can enjoy it all on a one-day visit.
I see, Dima sighed. "Sorry for the confusion, then. Enjoy your Fanta, and have a good day."
Enjoy the experience of a relaxing day at Karuizawa.
Right, while we're taking a walk anyway, we could like go along the woodland path and enjoy a little stroll through the forest…
Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
I want to get the word out - even if you don't have a lot of clothes you can enjoy dressing more fashionably by mixing and matching.
It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.
From humorous to creepy stories, like the last volume, you can enjoy various types of stories.
Don't you always sleep like a log yourself? I can understand your feelings of wanting them to enjoy their meal but don't be in such a rush.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Governments, in order to teach how to enjoy cell phones without being controlled by them, have established behavior rules that limit their use in public places, such as in churches, in schools, or during tests.
Don't think about leaving money for your kids, use it all up and enjoy yourself with flair.
Single people enjoy more freedom to do what they want and enjoy living a less restricted social life.
Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
23. dislike
I dislike coffee.
For people who dislike the idea of giving money, a gift certificate is a good idea.
I dislike going through customs at the airport because it takes so long.
Some people dislike eels because they look like snakes.
To be honest, I've gradually come to dislike the life here.
At the beginning, I was bored with radio gymnastics, but now I do not dislike it.
Of all the men that I dislike, my husband is certainly the one that I prefer.
The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.
We are concerned about the further actualization of current problems among youth, such as truancy, dislike of school and lack of appropriate character development.
Bad treatment fanned his dislike to hate.
If you dislike my way of doing things that much, why don't you just do it yourself instead.
Rightists often dislike regulatory legislation.
Morality is simply the attitude we adopt toward people we dislike.
A man will like some of them and dislike others.
24. delay
In case the shipment is delayed, we have special delay insurance.
If the delay is simply an oversight, will you please take care of it at once?
delayed flight
... was inconclusive, because the delay was too short to...
John Tel is expected to delay the release of its chip set until August.
Every reporter sent his stories with the least possible delay.
I regret the delay in writing to you to thank you for your hospitality on my visit to your country.
Don’t delay leaving – it won’t ease your grief.
Malzahar opens up two portals to the Void which, after a 0.5-second delay, silence all enemies caught between them and deal them magic damage.
Sorry, I was delayed by the traffic. His delay cost the company thousands of dollars. I was delayed by traffic.
There was a delay at the airport because of the fog, but eventually our flight left four hours late.
I hate public transport delays! The plane to Spain was delayed by 2 hours, so we got to our hotel very late.
The period or amount of time during which something is delayed.
But they could not long have delayed her going home.
It has been announced for this year, and so this would not mean too much of a delay.
25. consider
It's worth considering
If you consider the objective of hibernation, I think it's the response of animals trying to somehow survive the winter season with its lack of food.
I hope you consider my request for a day off this Tuesday 8th. If possible, I'd appreciate you letting me recover those hours any other day.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious.
A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.
In order to live happily and healthily with parakeets or parrots, you should understand the science of animal behavior for domesticated birds, and consider the emotional effect of eventually losing them.
Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object.
Human stupidity is endless, I say, and for this self-criticism, I consider myself an exception.
Ten million hectares of ancient forest are being cleared or destroyed every year. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
Let us consider the gravity of this day, for today inside the hospitable walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the French are not meeting the English, nor are Russians meeting Poles, but people are meeting people.
"Jihadist terrorists, for example, are suddenly no longer considered dangerous. "
I am still considering whether to go to Vancouver or Toronto. I think I'll go to Vancouver because it's more beautiful.
26. prepositions
He concentrated on his study of prepositions.
27. recommend
I recommend Maui.
I recommend a thorough checkup for your husband.
If you've never had a pint of Guinness in a real Irish pub, I highly recommend it.
I recommend giving it to them straight, don't waffle your way around the subject.
In the cold season when you want to drink something hot I recommend this sort of thermos flask.
I would recommend to everyone that can speak German that they read "Liebesgeschichte" by Hans Peter Richter.
I think this not a method that I can really recommend unless you are willing to risk failure.
We recommend that mains water have a water-quality test carried out once a year, well water twice a year.
However, I recommend that you take the JR Narita Express (a train leaves every 30-60 minutes from the airport), to avoid the complexity of changing trains.
Can you recommend a good wine to go with this dish?; The judge is likely to recommend a long jail sentence.
I would like to recommend my friend, Tom Smith, for this position.
The new restaurand is very goood. I recommend it.
I recommend this car, it's fast and not too much expensive.
I strongly recommend we hire David Templeman to do this tricky job for us; he’s really good!
I greatly recommend reading it to anybody thinking of learning a craft.
Angol szóING„(recommend) készletekben:
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