szótár grúz - angol

ქართული - English

თანხმობა angolul:

1. Consent Consent

parents consent
In the case of not agreeing to the conditions of the usage consent contract, promptly return the unopened media package to ABC for a full refund.
... was donated by the historical owners without relevant consents of their spouses.
For, in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery: but in fact, eleven men well armed will certainly subdue one single man in his shirt.
While the birth rate is intended to be decreased in developing countries, that of developed nations is selfishly planned to be increased, resulting in the difficulty of getting mutual consent.
They can't ​publish ​your ​name without ​your consent.
The candidates have informed me that they consent to their nomination as candidates.
According to my fellow Member who spoke about Scotland, presumed consent solves the problem.
We made several complaints in writing and finally they consented to consider our claim.
If the resident can't give consent, it is still acceptable for restraint to be used if:
When my mum first came to this home, I did sign a consent form for restraining and also to allow her to have pureed foods, because she can't swallow
The tenant must not keep any domestic pets without the prior written consent of the landlor
You can only come on the trip if your parents give their consent.
How do we understand sexual pleasure in this age of 'consent'?
In particular, we ask that the consent of victims to their exploitation be considered irrelevant, in view of the high level of blackmail involved in these circumstances.