szótár olasz - angol

italiano - English

compiere angolul:

1. make

Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it.
If we can just make it through one more month, we'll be sitting pretty.
Make your bed.
This tape recorder will make it easier for us to learn English.
Their influence becomes greater every day, but they are uncreative and can't make value judgements.
If you cannot make full remittance, please get in touch with me by October 28, 1998.
Though I mainly work as a studio musician, I do a little busking to make some extra money.
Make a good translation of the sentence that you are translating. Don't let translations into other languages influence you.
Homeroom teachers should make every effort to keep in touch with their students.
They said they'd make the boarding announcement 20 minutes before takeoff.
You can see how much difference a few degrees can make.
The company didn't make any effort to improve its business practices.
It doesn't make much sense to me that it works well on my computer, but not on yours.
It will make little difference whether you go there by taxi or on foot.
In order to make a phone call, I put my hand in my pocket and searched for a coin.

2. accomplish

We are less likely to go crazy in space and more likely to accomplish our missions by using crews that are organised along family lines.
Who knows what he'll accomplish if given the chance?
accomplish an objective
Any activity you need to accomplish will take more time than you have.
There is nothing that God has judged good for us that He has not given us the means to accomplish, both in the natural and the moral world.
Everything I accomplished came from hard work. All bad things that happen to me are due to bad luck. All things you accomplish come from good luck. All bad things that happen to you are due to your lack of work ethic.
The American anthropologist Margaret Mead once said that one should never underestimate what a small group of dedicated people can accomplish.
Stop doing that! We've told you a hundred times that it'll accomplish nothing! It's like talking to a wall!
The lecturer gave his students a few tips on how to accomplish their goals.
If you only believe in yourself and work hard enough you will accomplish what you want in life.
The definition of accomplish is to finish or complete something. The definition of an objective is a goal or something to aim for. An example of objective is a list of things to accomplish during a meeting.
Thomas was told that if he continued to practise hard, he would eventually accomplish his goal to become the champion.
“The government of Beata Szydło faces huge tasks that must be accomplished,” the President said, congratulating the head of the PiS party, Jarosław Kaczyński, for the “decisions taken”.
Owing to PDCA we can establish a master plan and related projects to accomplish it.
To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.