szótár francia - angol

Français - English

râler angolul:

1. bitch

Get out of here, you bitch!
I take your bitch!
Life is a bitch.
Our bitch had seven puppies this autumn.
Where is my money bitch?
I'm the mother of a son of a bitch.
I wonder if my mother is hiding something from me. She called me a "son of a bitch" today.
Whom God loves, his bitch brings forth pigs.
Idiot, I've forgotten that two-timing bitch.
It's written abazure (bitch). Surely this must mean a slut?
Fuck your mom, bitch.
The more bitch that had you born a thousand times.
Who's your daddy, bitch?

2. grumble

Paul grumbled about the money he earned- he’d expected much more.
she always grumbles at the children
You can grumble to neighbours about officials without looking over your shoulder
The clothes shops grumble that all shoppers want is a bargain.
If that happens, remember not to grumble about Moscow's policies.
Webster defines grouse as "to grumble or complain." It is related to the word "grouch." Roget equates the term with "fret, chafe, frown, crab, or pout." The usual synonym for grousing is nagging.
What can your friends predict you will grumble about most?
‘I'm getting old,’ she grumbled.
This action makes me grumble.
I'm saying that if the real thing comes to her, Sekka won't have anything to grumble about.