szótár francia - angol

Français - English

arbre angolul:

1. tree tree

The tree stopped growing.
Curiously, a flower bloomed on the withered up tree.
The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.
My neighbor rejected my request to cut his tree.
The tree was felled with one hard blow of his ax.
If you plant an apple seed, it might grow into a tree.
I've never seen that kind of tree before.
My brother fell off a tree and broke his leg.
Bears like to scratch their back on tree bark.
I stood under a tree to avoid getting wet.
A tall tree hid his house from our view.
Tonight, we had fun drawing up our family tree together.
The tree roots have burst through the cement at several points along the sidewalk.
Please plow the snow to the left of the maple tree so you don't block the trailer.
The tree stands motionless, clothed in twilight, thickly bedecked with dewdrops.

Angol szóarbre„(tree) készletekben:

Fiches du livre - "Poems" (Clara A. Merrill)
Fiches du livre - "The Loom of Life" (Cotton Noe)
Fiches du livre - "Sea Garden" (Hilda Doolittle)
Fiches du livre - "The White Bees" (Henry Van Dyke)
Fiches du livre - "Editorial Wild Oats" (Mark Twain)

2. shafting shafting

Angol szóarbre„(shafting) készletekben:

Fiches du livre - "The Spirit of Sweetwater" (Haml...
Fiches du livre - "Practical Lithography" (Alfred ...
Fiches du livre - "Doing their Bit War work at hom...
Fiches du livre - "A Parody on Patience" (D. Dalzi...
Fiches du livre - "A short history of Rhode Island...

3. shaft shaft

His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.
After spending 70 days trapped in a collapsed mine shaft, all of the 33 Chilean miners were rescued.
a mineshaft
the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft
shaft of engine - wał napędowy; shaft of sunlight - snop światła
The shaft of a hammer was bigger than my palm.
Dung beetle tunnels will serve as ventilation shafts, bringing oxygen into the pat.
I'm gonna shaft that scum.
the shaft of a golf club. The arrow maker ensured the shaft was straight.
... each one trying to shaft the next.
This shaft links with a piston.
You are in a narrow rocky shaft. There is some light shining from far above. Below you is the cave you started in. What do you do now?

Angol szóarbre„(shaft) készletekben:

Fiches du livre - "Satellite System" (Horace Brown...
Fiches du livre - "The Lure of the North" (Harold ...
Fiches du livre - "Laughing Bill Hyde and Other St...
Fiches du livre - "Dave Darrin After The Mine Laye...
Fiches du livre - "Architecture Gothic and Renaiss...