szótár francia - angol

Français - English

éloigné angolul:

1. remote

Drones can be controlled remotely.
The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity.
Remote forest clearings turn out to be great places for raves.
remote controll
Moreover, the creation of another post at European level risks being too remote from citizens.
“Companies’ ability to find new energy reserves, especially in remote locations, is altering the global market.”
Hold it, are you kidding me? Why'd we wanna go to such a remote location?
A device implanted in the spinal cord, dubbed the Orgasmotron, allows female patients to experience orgasm with the flick of a remote control.
She could access the camera in her laptop using remote technology.
The family has the kind of natural organisation to deal with the tensions likely to characterise space trips of 200 years or longer to settle remote planets.
Our teacher used to live in a remote part of Wales. It was an hour from the nearest town!
we’re talking about how the poorer and more remote parts of the world can get access to learning
/rɪˈməʊt/ remote ​galaxies It ​happened in the remote past, so no one ​worries about it any more. They take little ​interest in a ​conflict ​far from ​their ​homes and remote from ​their ​everyday ​problems.
How remote are we talking?
Travelling to remote planets will soon become much easier for humanity.

Angol szóéloigné„(remote) készletekben:

Fiches du livre - "Magic and Religion" (Andrew Lang)
Fiches du livre - "The Relentless City" (Edward Fr...
Fiches du livre - "Private Papers of William Wilbe...
Fiches du livre - "The Story of My Life Recollecti...
Fiches du livre - "A Connecticut Yankee in King Ar...

2. distant

You should apologize to her for being so distant.
You seem distant.
This world is a distant three hundred million light years away from the world where you live.
Distant things look blurred.
Watching television changes the role of the fans by making their participation more passive and distant.
Mr. Bennet's property consisted almost entirely in an estate of two thousand a year, which, unfortunately for his daughters, was entailed, in default of heirs male, on a distant relation.
Distant water won't quench your immediate thirst.
What makes the classics both intriguing and fascinating is that they're near enough that we can feel the similarity and they're distant enough that we have to do some work to bridge the gap.
distant noise, distant man, distant smile
If I really want to win his heart I have to ignore him and be as cold and distant to him as possible
Our distant ancestors led pretty simple lives.
Some of these distant nobleman are finding that happy skaa make better workers than mistreated skaa
Well, it may be thunder, but it sounds very distant.
Something looking like a UFO made a sudden turn then disappeared into the distant sky.