1. albeit
He finally agreed to come, albeit unwillingly.
He is only an up-market interior decorator, albeit a rather good one.
albeit just for a couple of days
He tried, albeit without success.
he was making progress, albeit rather slowly
Indeed, there is an improvement every year, albeit only a slight one.
There is an improvement every year, albeit only a slight one.
The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.
Some women actually accepted Pope's view, albeit with sorrow.
So Europe is reacting, albeit slowly, but better late than never.
It was amazing computer, albeit expensive
It was an amazing computer, albeit expensive.
Water, Water Everywhere Almost two thousand years later, in 1896, San Francisco entrepreneur and mayor Adolph Sutro opened his own public baths, albeit on a much grander scale.
Many software companies offer free versions of their products, albeit with limited functionality.
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