szótár dán - angol

dansk - English

flere angolul:

1. more

I want more.
When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever happens next.
Blow by blow, her punches got more intense.
Tom claims he doesn't watch much TV, but he watches more than three hours every day.
If you don't start treating people with a little more respect, people may start avoiding you like the plague.
A lot of people who have up until now been spending money having a good time now need to be more careful with their money.
Between 1820 and 1973, the United States admitted more than 46 million immigrants.
For quantities of 20 or more, we can allow you a special discount of 10% on the prices quoted.
In all my travels I've never seen a more beautiful mountain than Everest.
Because his family traveled from place to place, Cesar Chavez attended more than thirty schools as a child.
Food and drink were served in such profusion at the wedding that the bride and groom began to wonder if they should not have invited more guests.
Generally speaking, college students have more free time than high school students.
The errors apparent in his results are due more to carelessness than faulty procedures.
Her technique is superb, but she needs to play with more expression.
You can't easily put photos on an iPad from more than one computer. However, you can email photos to yourself from various computers and download these photos to your iPad.

Angol szóflere„(more) készletekben:

Sundhedsdansk kroppen (materialy dodatkowe do selv...

2. several

several times
As a result of the accident, several passengers were killed.
During the past several years, many Japanese have been either killed or injured while traveling overseas.
John helped himself to several pieces of pie without asking.
The women's college had a very small car park, and as several of the teachers and students, and many of the student's boyfriends, had cars, it was often difficult to find a place to park.
An unbreakable walnut in Bern has taken several casualties: 17 nutcrackers, 29 teeth, and a hammer.
As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and the fall of dusk.
In Germany today, anti-violence rallies took place in several cities, including one near Hamburg where three Turks were killed in an arson attack on Monday.
I made several calls to Mr Yamada's residence, but no one answered the calls.
Improper grounding can make a microphone lethal to touch. Several singers have actually died this way.
The house isn't huge and it's on about two-thirds of an acre, and when we first bought it I spent several hours every week getting the lawnmower fixed and cutting the lawn, in that order.
In Singapore, one method of punishing criminals is to whip them, or hit them several times on the back with a cane.
It is more time-efficient to do several tasks sequentially than attempt to do them simultaneously.
Translate a sentence several times from one language to another and you'll find yourself with something totally different from the original.
Several years ago, in the course of being interviewed for a job, I was introduced to a competitor for the position.