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1. secretly, stealthily, quietly
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1. pure2. guileless; innocent
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1. be contrary to humanity2. be inhumane
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인도에 어긋나다
1. go against what's right2. be wrong
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도리에 어긋나다
1. be dislocated, be out of joint, be out of step2. run[go] counter to, be contrary, go against, go wrong[awry], be out of line
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(be) clumsy, sloppy
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1. [예문] 어설픈 변명하지 마라 Don't make lame excuses.2. [예문] 남에 일에 괜히 어설프게 나서지 마라 Don't put your nose in other people's business when you are not sure.
1. (배로) pass over (a river), carry across, ferry over2. hand, deliver, hand[turn] over, hand in
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2. (손으로) hand, deliver, hand[turn] over, hand in 어머니는 내게 식탁 너머로 글라스를 건네주셨다 Mother handed me a glass over the table
1. weapon, gun, firearm2. (불을 다루는 기구)
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1. talkative, garrulous
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그는 술을 마시면 수다스러워진다 Alcohol makes him talkative. 너처럼 수다스러운 애는 정말 처음 본다 You are the most talkative person I've ever seen.
1. low price, cheap price
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저가 경쟁을 하다 compete to sell at the lowest prices 저가품을 생산하다 manufacture low-end goods 저가품을 생산하다 manufacture inexpensive products
1. be glib 2. be voluble
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입담이 좋다
1. być gładkim 2. być wymownym
1. effect, effectiveness, (formal) efficacy
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1. scold 2. tell off 3. give sb a scolding[tongue-lashing]
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야단을 치다
1. private lesson2. 정해진 범위 이외의 것
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Verb 1. get cut off
들어오던 전기가 끊기다. For the incoming electricity supply to be stopped.
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건물이 정전되다. 동네가 정전되다. 마을이 정전되다. 일대가 정전되다.
to make progress
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진전을 보이다
1. handling, disposal, processing, handle, deal with, take care of, dispose of, process2. treatment, treat
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1. one's eyes2. attention
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1. one's eyes 시선을 피하다 avoid[escape] sb's eyes 2. (관심) attention 시선을 끄는 디자인 an eye-catching design 시선을 끄는 디자인 a catchy design 그의 외모는 모든 사람들의 시선을 끌었다 His appearance attracted everyone's attention. 모든 사람들의 시선이 내게 쏠렸다 All eyes were turned[fixed] on me.
1.(남에게) be led, be guided 2.(감정·자극 등에) be driven (by), be carried away (by)
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1.(남에게) be led, be guided 나는 친구에게 이끌려 처음으로 교회에 갔다 I was led to a church for the first time by a friend. 2.(감정·자극 등에) be driven (by), be carried away (by) 나는 호기심에 이끌려 그의 일기를 훔쳐봤다 Driven by curiosity, I sneaked a peak at his diary
1.(몸·물건 등이) drag2.(마음이) be drawn (to), be attracted[fascinated] (by)
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1.(몸·물건 등이) drag 쇠사슬이 땅에 끌리는 소리가 들렸다 I heard a chain dragging along the ground. 2.(마음이) be drawn (to), be attracted[fascinated] (by) 나는 왠지 그 남자에게 끌린다발음듣기 I feel somehow drawn[attracted] to him.
1.(마차·수레·자동차 등을) pull, draw; (무거운 것을) haul; (운전하다) drive2.(사람·동물 등을) lead, (억지로) drag3.(관심·인기 등을) catch, attract, draw, (formal) arrest
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1. 수레를 끌다 pull[draw] a cart 2.(사람·동물 등을) lead, (억지로) drag 그녀는 내 손을 잡고 나를 방에서 끌고 나왔다 She took me by the hand and led me from[out of] the room. 3.(관심·인기 등을) catch, attract, draw, (formal) arrest 흥미를 끌다 attract[engage; draw] sb's interest
1. (관점) view (of), point of view, viewpoint (on), standpoint, perspective (on)
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그는 인생에 대해 낙천적인 시각을 가지고 있다 He has an optimistic view of life. 나는 그녀의 시각으로 문제를 바라보려고 노력했다 I tried to look at the matter from her point of view.
1. (형태) form; (의례적인 절차) formality; (예술 등의) convention
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형식에 얽매이지 않다 be informal 형식에 얽매이지 않다 be free from formalities 형식과 제약에 구애받지 않고 자유롭게 토론하다 engage in free debate without formality and constraint
1. establish; open2. open
offer a course. open a road. open a store. set up a site.
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과목을 개설하다. 도로를 개설하다. 매장을 개설하다. 사이트를 개설하다.
1. excessive, (formal) immoderate
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과도한 요구를 하다 make an excessive demand (on) 과도한 음주는 해롭다 Excessive[Immoderate] drinking is harmful. 과도한 규제는 기업의 창의성을 말살시킨다 Excessive regulations destroy corporate creativity
1. shocking
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정말 충격적인 소식이었다 It was truly shocking piece of news. 아동 학대를 다룬 그 방송은 충격적이었다 That broadcast about child abuse was shocking
1. cheap, inexpensive
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저렴한 가격에 구입하다 buy sth cheap[inexpensively; at a low price] 이 가게는 다른 곳보다 저렴하다 Things are cheaper in this shop
1. relatively, comparatively
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시험문제는 비교적 쉬웠다 The test questions were comparatively easy. 월요일은 가게가 비교적 한산하다 Business is relatively slow on Mondays. 이 공원은 비교적 교통이 편리하다 This park is relatively convenient for transportation.
1. specifications
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컴퓨터 사양에 맞는 소프트웨어를 설치하다 install software according to the specifications of one's computer 가격은 사양에 따라 다르다 Price varies depending on the options selected.
1. customary2. conventional
한 사회에서 오랫동안 지켜진 질서나 풍습에 따른. Following an order or custom that was kept for a long time in a society
Konwencjonalna koncepcja. konwencjonalne myślenie. Konwencjonalny symbol. Konwencjonalne myślenie. Zwyczajowa dyskryminacja. konwencjonalna postawa.
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한 사회에서 오랫동안 지켜진 질서나 풍습에 따른. Following an order or custom that was kept for a long time in a society
관습적 개념. 관습적 사고. 관습적 상징. 관습적 생각. 관습적 차별. 관습적 태도.
1. (낌새) sign, indication
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비가 그칠 기미가 안 보인다 The rain shows no sign[indication] of stopping. 그 일은 해결될 기미가 안 보인다 That matter shows no sign of being solved. 그 일은 해결될 기미가 안 보인다 I don't see a way out for the problem. 그녀의 표정에 언짢아하는 기미가 역력했다
Verb be upset, be displeased, be unpleasant
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1. wish, hope, desire
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새해 소망을 빌다 make a new year's wish 이것이 제 간절한 소망입니다 It is my heart's desire. 나의 소망이 드디어 이루어졌다 My wish finally came true.
1. hurry, rush, push, press2. (서두르다)
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1. (독촉하다) hurry, rush, push, press 재촉하지 마라 Don't hurry[rush] me. 2. (서두르다) 날이 어두워지기 시작해 우리는 걸음을 재촉했다 We hurried on our way[quickened our steps] when it started getting dark
1. kind (of), sort (of), type (of), variety (of)
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온갖 종류의 all kinds[sorts] of 온갖 종류의 of every kind 종류가 같다 be of the same kind[sort; type] 종류가 다르다 be of a different kind[sort; type]
1. stubbornly, resolutely, doggedly, tenaciously
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적은 완강히 저항했다 The enemy resisted tenaciously[doggedly]. 적은 완강히 저항했다 The enemy were resolute[dogged] in their resistance. 그는 나의 제안을 완강히 반대했다 He stubbornly opposed my proposal
1. talk (with), conversation (with), (formal) discourse
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담화를 나누다 talk[converse] (with) 담화를 나누다 have a talk (with)
1. corruption, irregularity
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비리를 폭로하다 expose corruption 비리를 저지르다 commit an irregularity 비리를 척결하다 dispel corruption
1. be falsely charged2. be falsely[wrongly] accused
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억울한 죄를 입다
This is unfair.
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이건 억울하다
1. under a false accusation2. on a false charge
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