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1. reach, come[amount, run] to
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절정에 달하다 come to the climax 절정에 달하다 reach a peak 보고서는 800페이지에 달한다 The report runs to 800 pages. 비용은 200달러에 달했다 The cost came[amounted] to 200 dollars
1. extreme2. pole, magnetic pole
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극과 극은 통한다 Opposite extremes have much in common. 그 나라는 종족 간의 갈등이 극에 달했다 Intertribal strife in that country has reached a new limit. 그 영화에 대한 평가는 사람에 따라 극과 극을 달린다 People rate that movie either extremely good or extremely bad. There's no middle ground.
1. small, little, tiny
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1. pale, white, gray, ashen, green, pallid, wan
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Verb 1. have affection
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1. terrible, awful, horrible, horrific, horrendous, gruesome, dreadful, appalling
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끔찍한 광경 a terrible[horrible] sight 끔찍한 짓을 하다 do something horrible[horrendous] 끔찍한 일이 일어났다 A terrible thing has happened. 정말 끔찍한 하루였어! What a terrible day I've had!
Adjective 1. unusual; unique
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특이한 모양. 특이한 성격. 특이한 음색. 특이한 재주.
1. brutality
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만행을 저지르다 commit an act of brutality 그 신문은 경찰의 만행을 개탄하는 사설을 실었다 The newspaper printed an editorial deploring police brutality.
1. (일본 제국) the Japanese Empire; (일본 제국주의) Japanese imperialism
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일제하에 under Japanese imperialism 일제의 잔재를 청산하다 clean up[clear off; liquidate; rid ourselves of] the vestiges of Japanese imperialism
1. sinking, sink, go under, founder2. [예문] 스페인이 개막전에서 ... Spain sank in the opening game.
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타이타닉호의 침몰 the sinking of the Titanic
1. the army
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1. civilian
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민간인을 무차별적으로 살해하다 indiscriminately kill civilians 민간인의 출입을 제한하다 restrict civilian access
1. theory
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그것은 논쟁의 여지가 있는 이론이다 It is a controversial theory. 그는 이론에는 강하지만 실전에는 약하다 He is long on theory, but short on practice. 그는 물리학 분야에서 독자적인 이론을 정립했다 He formulated an original theory in the field of physics.
1. relativity
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1. grade, mark, results2. record, results
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1. indecisive, (formal) irresolute, (informal) wishy-washy
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우유부단한 태도를 보이다 show an indecisive attitude 그는 매사에 우유부단하다 He is indecisive on everything. 그는 매사에 우유부단하다 He can never make up his mind about anything.
1. (eye)sight, vision
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시력이 좋다 have good (eye)sight 시력이 나쁘다 have bad[poor] (eye)sight 시력을 잃다 lose one's (eye)sight 시력을 잃다 go blind
Verb 1. add
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