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1. be in adversity 2. fall into adversity 3. fall on hard times
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역경에 처하다
1. fall behind; lag behind2. fall behind; be inferior3. be later in time
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뒤지다 2 1. go through; search through; comb 2. search; look around 3. read thoroughly
1. spread, stretch out2. (접힌 것이 펴지다)
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경치·광경 등이) spread, stretch out 아름다운 경치가 눈앞에 펼쳐졌다 Beautiful scenery unfolded[spread out] before my eyes. 2. (접힌 것이 펴지다) 그녀는 펼쳐진 부채를 접었다 She folded the open fan. 3. (행사 등이) 이번 행사는 5일간 부산에서 펼쳐진다 This event will be held in Busan for five days.
1. embarrassing, awkward
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그는 종종 나를 난처하게 만들곤 했다 He used to embarrass me often. 그는 종종 나를 난처하게 만들곤 했다 He used to put me in a very embarrassing situation. 중간에서 내 입장만 난처하게 됐다 I was put in an awkward position between the two.
. permit; allow; approve2. permit; authorize; approve
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Verb 1. manage
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기업이나 사업을 관리하고 운영하다. To manage and operate a company or business.
1. gymnastics, gym, do gymnastics
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체조 경기장 a gymnastics gymnasium 기계체조 (apparatus) gymnastics 리듬체조 rhythmic gymnastics
1. inspiration, (Am) brainstorm, (Brit) brainwave
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영감을 주다 inspire 영감을 받다 be inspired (by) 영감을 받다 get[draw; receive] inspiration (from) 갑자기 영감이 떠올랐다 I had a sudden inspiration[brainstorm; brainwave].
1. scope, range, scale; (한계) limit, bounds
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조사의 범위를 넓히다 extend the scope of the investigation[inquiry] 새로운 법안은 적용 범위가 제한되어 있다 The new law is limited in scope. 그 원리는 적용 범위가 넓다 The principle has a wide range of applications.
1. climate
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제주도는 기후가 온화하다 Jeju Island has a moderate climate. 이상기후로 올봄에는 눈이 많이 내렸다 There was a lot of snow this spring due to abnormal climate changes
Verb 1. decide; set; grade
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나는 보고서 페이지에 번호를 매겼다 I numbered the pages of the report. 품질에 따라 감자의 등급이 매겨진다 The potatoes are graded[ranked] by quality. 이 물건은 값을 비싸게 매길 수 있겠다 We can set the price of this item high
일정한 기준에 따라 값, 등급, 순서 등을 정하다. To decide a price, grade, order, etc., based on a fixed criteria.
1. sales
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매출이 늘었다[줄었다] Sales have been up[down]. 매출이 급감했다 Sales have plunged[plummeted; dropped sharply]. 매출이 지난 10년 사이에 두 배로 늘었다 Sales have doubled for the last decade
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영향을 미치다
Verb 1. use regularly; patronize
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일상생활에서 많이 애용하는 제품입니다. To jest produkt, z którego często korzysta się w codziennym życiu. 많은 사람들이 이 브랜드의 화장품을 애용하고 있습니다. Wiele osób regularnie korzysta z kosmetyków tej marki.
물건이나 장소 등을 좋아하여 자주 사용하다. To love a certain object or place and therefore use it frequently."korzystać z czegoś z przyjemnością" lub "cenić sobie coś".
1. crop, (farm/agricultural) produce
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폭우로 농작물이 큰 피해를 입었다 The severe rain did great damage to the crops
1. (battery) charger
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급속 충전기 a high-speed battery charger 충전이 완료되면 충전기에 초록색 불이 들어온다 The charger light turns green when the recharging is completed.
1. (의견) opinion; (고집) insistence, assertion, (formal) contention; (논점) argument; (근거가 없는) claim, insist, assert (that), argue, (formal) contend (that); (근거 없이) claim
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타당한 주장 a rational argument 무죄를 주장하다 insist on[maintain; claim] one's innocence 무죄를 주장하다 plead not guilty
1. chronic disease[illness]
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1. pay, wage(s), salary
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급여를 지급하다 pay wages 급여를 지급하다 pay one's salary 우리 회사의 급여 인상률이 하락했다 Our company's rate of pay increase has fallen.
1. present2. produce
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Verb 1. progress
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1. recovery, restoration, recover, restore, regain, get back
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1. regard, consider, count, (formal) deem
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그는 위험인물로 간주되었다 He was regarded as a dangerous man. 말하는 것은 부정행위로 간주됩니다 Talking will be considered cheating. 불참자는 불합격으로 간주된다 Those who absent themselves will be considered to have failed in the examination.
1. lump sum payment, single payment, payment in a lump sum
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일시불로 지불하다 pay in a lump sum[single payment] 일시불로 하시겠습니까? Do you want to pay in a lump sum[single payment]?
1. (추세) tendency (to/toward), trend; (성향) inclination, disposition; (선천적) propensity
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최신 패션 경향을 분석하다 analyze recent fashion trend 그녀는 과장하여 말하는 경향이 있다 She has a tendency to exaggerate things. 그녀는 과장하여 말하는 경향이 있다 She has a propensity to exaggerate.
3. (매료시키다) captivate, fascinate, win (one's heart), (informal) knock sb out 1. take prisoner2. (포로를)
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2. (포로를) 그는 뱀을 구석으로 몰아서 사로잡았다 He cornered and captured a snake 관객을 사로잡다 captivate an audience
Verb 1. contribute; write for
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"publikować", "przyczyniać się do publikacji" lub "składać artykuł" "나는 월간지에 기고를 했다." co oznacza "Napisałem artykuł do miesięcznika." 신문이나 잡지 등에 싣기 위하여 원고를 써서 보내다. To write and submit an article to be published in a newspaper, magazine, etc.
1. apply2. ask out3. register
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3. register 학교나 학원 등에서 어떤 과목을 등록하다. To register a certain subject in a school, academy, etc.
1. apply 단체나 기관 등에 어떤 일을 해 줄 것을 정식으로 요구하다. To make an official request to an organization, institution, etc., asking for it to do something.2. ask out 남자나 여자가 상대에게 만나 줄 것을 청하다. For a man or a woman to ask somebody to go on a date.
1. action, measure, step, take action (to), take measures (to), take steps (to)
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법적 조치를 취하다 take legal action[steps] (against) 후속 조치를 취하다 take follow-up measures 긴급조치를 취하다 take emergency measures
Verb 1. hesitate
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