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1. terrible, awful, horrible, horrific, horrendous, gruesome, dreadful, appalling
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끔찍한 광경 a terrible[horrible] sight 끔찍한 짓을 하다 do something horrible[horrendous] 끔찍한 일이 일어났다 A terrible thing has happened.
1. Don't put yourself down. 2. Don't be discouraged by it.
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기죽지 말아요
1. all matters2. ordinary matters
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1. inheritance, legacy, bequest2. heritage
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문화유산 cultural heritage[traditions]
1. the day, the very day (of)
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이 제품은 당일 배송이 가능한가요? Can I get[have] it within the day? 나는 시험 당일에 병이 났다 I got sick on the very day of the exam. 티켓은 공연 당일에 판매될 것이다 Tickets will be on sale the day of the show.
1. consumption, consume, spend
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소비를 줄이다 spend less 소비를 줄이다 cut down on one's spending 시간을 소비하다 spend time
1. sincere2. earnest
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1. [명사] deliberation, consideration, [동사] think (about/of), consider, mull over, (formal) ponder
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아무리 궁리해도 더 좋은 수가 없다 I can think of no better plan. 아무리 궁리해도 더 좋은 수가 없다 I can't think of a better plan. 한참을 궁리한 끝에 해결책을 생각해 냈다 I came up with a solution after much consideration.
1. combine, unite, join together 2. add, total
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1. (하나로) combine, unite, join together 그들은 힘을 합쳐서 일했다 They joined forces to work together. Open 2. (합산하다) add (up), total (up) 출퇴근 시간을 모두 합치면 2시간 정도 된다 When I add up my commuting time, it comes to about two hours.
1. poor; (부적절하다) inadequate
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열악한 환경에서 살다 live in poor surroundings 열악한 환경에서 살다 live in a bad environment 이곳은 연구 여건이 열악하다 The research conditions here are poor[inadequate].
1. common idea[notion], conventional wisdom
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사회적인 통념을 깨다 break social convention 그런 일은 사회 통념상 용납이 안 된다 Such things cannot be accepted by social norms.
1. concentrate (on), focus on, be absorbed[engrossed] in, devote[dedicate] oneself (to), be fully occupied with
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그는 그녀가 공부에만 전념할 수 있게 도와주었다 He helped her to focus only on her studying. 그녀는 공부에 전념하기로 결심했다 She decided to devote[dedicate] herself to studying. 그녀는 공부에 전념하기로 결심했다 She decided to give herself over to[bury herself in] studying
1. [명사] substitution, replacement, [동사] substitute (sth for sth), replace (sth with sth), (formal) supplant
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중간 고사는 리포트로 대체할 것이다 Instead of a midterm, there will be a paper. 이 제도는 4월 1일부터 새로운 제도로 대체될 것이다 This system is to be replaced by a new one on April 1. 이 부품은 고무 대신 플라스틱으로 대체해서 만들 수도 있다 You can substitute plastic for rubber to make this part
1. beat, defeat, repel, repulse 2. refuse, reject, decline, turn down, overcome
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1. (적·경쟁자 등을) beat (off), defeat; (쫓아 버리다) repel, (formal) repulse 적을 물리치다 defeat the enemy Open 2. (유혹·제안 등을) (거절하다) refuse, reject, decline, turn down; (극복하다) overcome 유혹을 물리치다 overcome temptation
Verb 1. hand over; turn over; transfer
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1. offer; yield; give way to 2. concede; yield 3. concede; yield
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1. alliance (with/between), partnership
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군사동맹을 맺다 form a military alliance 동맹을 파기하다 renounce[break off] an alliance 영국과 미국 간의 긴밀한 동맹 관계는 지속될 것이다 The close partnership between Britain and the US will continue. 두 나라는 양국 간의 평화를 위해 동맹을 맺었다
Adjective 1. unreasonable; illogical
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이론이나 이치에 맞지 않다. Contrary to logic or reason. 불합리한 사고. 불합리한 제도. 불합리한 현실.
1. majority
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과반수를 차지하다 hold a majority (of) 그 법안은 과반수 득표로 통과되었다 The bill was passed by[with] a majority vote. 이번 선거로 여당은 과반수 의석을 차지했다 The ruling party has gained the majority of seats as a result of this election.
1. accomplish, achieve, make it; (어려운 일을) manage (to do)
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