kérdés |
válasz |
did not merit the bombastic billing of “a world premiere” kezdjen tanulni
did not merit the bombastic billing of “a world premiere” kezdjen tanulni
pompatyczny, górnolotny, napuszony
did not merit the bombastic billing of “a world premiere” kezdjen tanulni
prompting nervous titters in the auditorium. kezdjen tanulni
chichot, podśmiewanie się, nerwowy śmiech
After an exchange of teasing banter, Lammin went off into the night. kezdjen tanulni
prześmiechy, żarty, żarciki
After an exchange of teasing banter, Lammin went off into the night. kezdjen tanulni
droczyć (się z kimś), dokuczać (komuś), kpić (z kogoś)
is tweets, though, did not bode well kezdjen tanulni
wróżyć, zapowiedzieć, zapowiadać
a billionaire’s mansion opposite the wooden shanties of the docks. kezdjen tanulni
even the same simmering borscht smell as he walked into his babushka’s house. kezdjen tanulni
utrzymujący się, gotujący się
kezdjen tanulni
he was edgy about having to wait to perform with the Mariinsky in June kezdjen tanulni
podenerwowany, zirytowany
he had felt intimidated by Zelensky kezdjen tanulni
in Moscow he would be given his own European repertory, kezdjen tanulni
Shop & Bar is a favourite Zelensky haunt kezdjen tanulni
watching Muscovite girls circumventing its cobbles in their Louboutin heels kezdjen tanulni
watching Muscovite girls circumventing its cobbles in their Louboutin heels kezdjen tanulni
obchodzić, ominąć, omijać
watching Muscovite girls circumventing its cobbles in their Louboutin heels kezdjen tanulni
as he tucked in, I was struck not only by his physical transformation kezdjen tanulni
wcinać, wsuwać, pałaszować, zajadać
luminous skin, shining eyes kezdjen tanulni
how grounded he’d become. kezdjen tanulni
Ballet thrives on baton-passing from one generation to another. kezdjen tanulni
Ballet thrives on baton-passing from one generation to another. kezdjen tanulni
the embodiment of heroic Soviet virility kezdjen tanulni
From his gruff telephone manner I’d envisaged a swarthy, macho figure, kezdjen tanulni
From his gruff telephone manner I’d envisaged a swarthy, macho figure, kezdjen tanulni
From his gruff telephone manner I’d envisaged a swarthy, macho figure, kezdjen tanulni
śniady, smagły (o cerze), ciemnolicy (o osobie)
the opulence of the Mariinsky or Bolshoi theatres kezdjen tanulni
bogactwo, bujność, obfitość
miscast - miscast - miscast she was miscast in the soubrette role of Coppélia kezdjen tanulni
she was miscast in the soubrette role of Coppélia kezdjen tanulni
subretka (pokojówka w komediach, farsach)
Never had he danced with such playful bravado kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
an oligarch’s cavernous, three-bathroom apartment with a security guard at the door kezdjen tanulni
Vladimir had spoken wistfully to me about being reunited with Galin kezdjen tanulni
“Yeah,” he said with a grin. “Third time lucky, maybe.” kezdjen tanulni
several bottles of first-growth claret kezdjen tanulni
detecting a whiff of cocoa kezdjen tanulni
sitting talking until Sergei’s energy subsided. kezdjen tanulni
stępować (o bólu), opadać (o emocjach)
I told him that I’d never seen such euphoria on stage. “Please tell me that wasn’t ginseng, or worse!” kezdjen tanulni
Indigenous Missionary Council, kezdjen tanulni
rdzenny, tubylczy, autochtoniczny, miejscowy, lokalny
110 “uncontacted” groups in the Amazon who are increasingly threatened by illegal logging, mining and farming. kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Today the Awá practice some farming, but most still hunt with rifles kezdjen tanulni
They lived in a hut made of palm fronds, hunted with bows and arrows and collected fruits kezdjen tanulni
They lived in a hut made of palm fronds, hunted with bows and arrows and collected fruits kezdjen tanulni
the tribe has electricity, rudimentary health care kezdjen tanulni
elementarny, podstawowy, zasadniczy
Diniz said the women were reclusive kezdjen tanulni
samotnik, zamknięty (w odosobnieniu), wyizolowany, odludny (o miejscu)
fires have decimated parts of their reserves kezdjen tanulni
farmers and loggers are encroaching. kezdjen tanulni
wdzierać się, wkraczać (do czegoś), bezprawnie naruszać
Research is shedding light on the most effective ways to break a habit for good. kezdjen tanulni
rzucać nowe światło na problem, wyjaśniać problem
behavior-based cessation program. kezdjen tanulni
be in thrall to something Plugging into the feelings associated with a craving helps you become less in thrall to it, so you can learn to let it go. kezdjen tanulni
To stave off autopilot snacking on sweets, for example, swap the cookie jar with a fruit bowl. kezdjen tanulni
zażegnać, oddalać, chwilowo powstrzymywać (np. groźbę niebezpieczeństwa)
So come up with a plan ahead of time for how you will respond to those cues kezdjen tanulni
If you, say, chew your nails when you get frazzled at work, start practicing deep breathing kezdjen tanulni
wyczerpany, skonany, przemęczony
They don't obsessively check their email, and they try not to dwell on work-related issues kezdjen tanulni
zatrzymywać się nad czymś, rozwodzić się nad czymś
The last thing you need is to be lying in bed thinking about an email you just read from that overzealous boss kezdjen tanulni
melatonin, an essential hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm kezdjen tanulni
many of the challenges have the potential to derail you kezdjen tanulni
sprowadzać kogoś na złą drogę
I affectionately call it, “Ban the Memo.” kezdjen tanulni
That’s really important, before you take that leap. kezdjen tanulni
overwhelm, anxiety, irritation, boredom, and under-confidence kezdjen tanulni
Pulling out the oven and scrubbing the baseboards behind it? kezdjen tanulni
Make sure your goal is attainable–i.e. that you have control over meeting it kezdjen tanulni
we tend to beat ourselves up, momentarily feel that unbearable shame, then avoid or distract to alleviate the discomfort. kezdjen tanulni
we tend to beat ourselves up, momentarily feel that unbearable shame, then avoid or distract to alleviate the discomfort. kezdjen tanulni
złagodzić, łagodzić, ulżyć
kezdjen tanulni
pogarszać, zaostrzać, powodować nasilenie, powodować pogorszenie (np. samopoczucia)
even if it’s binge-watching Netflix or spending hours on the Daily Mail kezdjen tanulni
I like to distill down to the bare essentials kezdjen tanulni
skroplić, skraplać się, kapnąć, spłynąć
career changers have gleaned from their respective journeys. kezdjen tanulni
gromadzić, zbierać, zdobywać (np. informacje)
career changers have gleaned from their respective journeys. kezdjen tanulni
indywidualny, poszczególny, odpowiedni, własny
I disagree with that wholeheartedly kezdjen tanulni
z całego serca, całkowicie
No job, employer, organization, direction, etc. is foolproof or change-resistant. kezdjen tanulni
niezawodny (np. o metodzie, planie, systemie)
A huge part of the business I worked for was focused on travel, and it was instantly flattened. kezdjen tanulni
spłaszczyć, zrównać z ziemią
Successful people who adore their work and are amply rewarded in it don’t just “arrive” there. kezdjen tanulni
obficie, hojnie, obszernie
the challenges they’re experiencing at work are stemming directly from the dysfunction, hurt, pain and damaged self-confidence they suffered kezdjen tanulni
like a pendulum – you swing to what you think is the farthest point away from what you’re doing now. kezdjen tanulni
After a brutal layoff in the days following 9/11, I was sick and tired of feeling terrible, kezdjen tanulni
zwolnienie z pracy (gł. przy redukcji zatrudnienia), urlop bezpłatny (z przymusu)
put all one's eggs in one basket to ensure it’s a great fit before you put all your eggs in that basket. kezdjen tanulni
stawiać wszystko na jedną kartę
After pivoting once again and pursuing running my own business as a coach/consultant/trainer, I’ve found the ultimate path for me. kezdjen tanulni
Look at what you dislike most in your work, and endeavor to change it now. kezdjen tanulni
starać się, postarać się, usiłować, próbować, spróbować
the toxic relationships you’re hooking into kezdjen tanulni
After all, the United States is the home of programming luminaries such as Bill Gates kezdjen tanulni
luminarz, osoba znana i podziwiana
by subtracting the mean from each score and then dividing by the standard deviation kezdjen tanulni
by subtracting the mean from each score and then dividing by the standard deviation kezdjen tanulni
odchylenie standardowe (od średniej)
But China only won by a hair. kezdjen tanulni
they didn’t dominate across the board kezdjen tanulni
ogónie, powszechnie, wszędzie
Chinese developers are disproportionately drawn to data structures. kezdjen tanulni
nieproporcjonalnie, niewspółmiernie
He hails from China’s city of Chongqing, kezdjen tanulni
pochodzić skądś, urodzić się gdzieś
Czech developers showed an outsized preference for shell competitions, kezdjen tanulni
they can look to Switzerland’s steadfast developers for inspiration. kezdjen tanulni
niezachwiany (o miłości), nieugięty (o zasadach), niezłomny (np. w postanowieniu)
which make Swiss coders the Most Tenacious Programmers in the World. kezdjen tanulni
uporczywy, nieustępliwy, zawzięty (o osobie)
Poland would nab the bronze kezdjen tanulni
zająć, zajmować, zaklepać, zaklepywać (np. miejsce, stolik)
kezdjen tanulni
żarliwość, zapał (mocne zaangażowanie)
kezdjen tanulni
they ignite a deeper debate kezdjen tanulni
wzniecać, wzbudzać, prowokować, inicjować (np. poruszenie)
long slowdown in childbirth kezdjen tanulni
slowdown in childbirth has coincided with economic slump kezdjen tanulni
zbiegać się (zaistnieć jednocześnie)
subsidies for families to have children kezdjen tanulni
they are very prudent about becoming pregnant kezdjen tanulni
przezorny, roztropny, ostrożny, rozważny, rozsądny
she vented her anger on Facebook kezdjen tanulni