cuentame mas

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letöltés mp3 Nyomtatás játszik ellenőrizze magát
kérdés válasz
y cuentame mas de ti
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and tell me more about yourself
te creo te quedas hasta las tantas
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I believe you, you stay until late
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recién despierto
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just awake
el sótano
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ahora te cuento mis novedades
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now I tell you my news
como de costumbre no tenemos dinero
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as usual we have no money
se nos ocurrió bueno idea
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we came up with a good idea
Pablo se le ocurre lo mejor idea
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Pablo comes up with the best idea
quería saber qué dice
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I wanted to know what it says
quieres dar alguna señal?
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do you want to give any sign?
cocina español es muy sana
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Spanish cuisine is very healthy
esto no es muy saludable
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this is not very healthy
voy a seguir durmiendo
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I will continue sleeping
tú tienes que prestar atención
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you have to pay attention
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to lend (somebody)
Te prestaré algunos de los libros de mi hermano.
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I'll lend you some of my brother's books.
Se prestó a llevarme a casa
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He offered himself to take me home
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Varía los ejercicios que haces para que trabajen todos los músculos
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Change the exercises you do to work all the muscles
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el bar de abajo está siempre lleno de gente
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the bar downstairs is always full of people
odio los bares repletos
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I hate crowded bars
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tu estas siempre delante de la television
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you are always in front of the television
porque no te encuentras un trabajo?
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why can't you find a job?
tal vez es hora que empieces?
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maybe it's time for you to start?
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Para obras de arte y artesanías, visita La Brea Avenue.
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For Work arts and crafts, visit La Brea Avenue.
de repente
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Y de repente ahí estaba esa mano en mi hombro.
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And suddenly there was that hand on my shoulder.
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paint/ frame/ square
el teléfono sonaba
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the phone was ringing
oigo un ruido
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i hear a noise
me doy la vuelta
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I turn around
date la vuelta
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turn around
el jarrón en pedazo
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the vase in piece
quien es el culpable
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Who is guilty
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tenemos que resarcir al propietario
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we have to compensate the owner
pero es que no había nadie
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but there was no one
Quizás un poco menos
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Maybe a little less
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o sea que...
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o sea que era delgado
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so he was thin
no tiene gracia
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it's not funny
era mejor si no pasaba nada
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it was better if nothing happened
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además tengo miedo
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I am also afraid
acuérdate que hay que avisarla
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remember that you have to notify her
trata de tener más cuidado la proxima vez
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try to be more careful next time
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