CAE 401 - 425

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kérdés válasz
Se non mi dai quella barretta di cioccolato, ti atterro.
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to tackle
If you don't give me that chocolate bar, I'm going to tackle you to the ground.
Se Howard non fosse stato attento, George lo avrebbe colpito.
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to strike
If Howard wasn't careful, George would strike him.
Edmund Hillary è stato il primo uomo ad aver raggiunto la vetta del Monte Everest.
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Edmund Hillary was the first man to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
Lea lottò con il ladro che stava cercando di rubarle la borsa.
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to struggle
Lea struggled with the robber who was trying to steal her bag.
citare in giudizio
La famiglia decise di citare in giudizio la polizia per non aver gestito bene il caso.
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to sue
The family decided to sue the police for failing to handle their case properly.
Il film era davvero strappalacrime. Ha fatto piangere la famiglia.
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The movie was a real tearjerker. It made the whole family cry.
Irene ha messo la carne congelata nel lavandino per farla scongelare prima di cucinarla.
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to thaw
Irene put the frozen meat on the kitchen counter to thaw before cooking.
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