CAE 1076 - 1100

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a lumina
Luminează-mă, ce e atât special la orașul New York?
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to enlighten
Enlighten me, what's so special about New York City?
Studenții au lucrat foarte diligent la proiectul lor până când a fost terminat.
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The students worked very diligently on their project until it was completed.
a desființa
Compania de telecomunicații desființează magazinele fizice și-și mută în mediul online toate vânzările.
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to do away with
The telecommunications company is doing away with its retail stores and moving all its sales online.
Victor a devenit foarte descurajat după ce a pierdut toate bursele de la facultate.
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Victor became very dispirited after missing out on all the scholarships at the university.
Chimioterapia e mereu epuizantă și dureroasă.
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Going through chemotherapy is always exhausting and distressing.
Marea Barieră de Corali e un ecosistem foarte fragil.
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The Great Barrier Reef is a very fragile ecosystem.
trusă de prim ajutor
Mergem mâine cu cortul. Hai să luăm trusa de prim ajutor în caz că cineva se rănește în excursie.
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emergency medical kit
We're going camping tomorrow. Let's take the emergency medical kit in case anyone gets hurt on the trip.
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A lecke a tanfolyam része
(összesen 1 500 adatlap)

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