kérdés |
válasz |
She’s ultra-serious about becoming a famous singer. kezdjen tanulni
There’s a cap on spending this year. kezdjen tanulni
They escaped the cycle of poverty through education. kezdjen tanulni
get away from a situation which keeps getting worse
kezdjen tanulni
the ability to remember things in exact detail, like looking at a photograph
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the chances or probability that something will happen
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something that only happens once
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be bad at (doing) something (US)
kezdjen tanulni
learn something exactly so that you can repeat it later
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to look like or be like someone or something
I was a night owl at university. I always wrote my essays after midnight. kezdjen tanulni
people who like being active at night and go to bed late
After the accident, he suffered from chronic pain. kezdjen tanulni
She suffers from severe depression. kezdjen tanulni
to have an illness or other health problem
kezdjen tanulni
a situation in which there is not enough of something/ a lack; the state of not having enough
She has weak legs and is prone to injury / I don’t believe him. He’s prone to lying kezdjen tanulni
likely to do or be affected by something bad
to turn something on its head Cryptocurrency is turning the way we buy things on its head kezdjen tanulni
change our understanding of it Kryptowaluta stawia na głowie sposób, w jaki kupujemy rzeczy
Hybrid cars really catching on kezdjen tanulni
Hybrydowe samochody naprawdę stają się coraz bardziej popularne
to take the world by storm Wearables are taking the world by storm kezdjen tanulni
Wearables szturmem zdobywają świat
I reckon the Internet has been a game changer kezdjen tanulni
something that siginificantly changes the way we do this Uważam, że Internet zmienił reguły gry
to take someone by suprise 3D printers have taken everyone by suprise kezdjen tanulni
to suprise, startle someone Drukarki 3D zaskoczyły wszystkich
I think that robot waiters are cutting-edge kezdjen tanulni
it's very advanced, innovative and leading the field Uważam, że kelnerzy-roboty to najnowocześniejsze rozwiązanie.
It won't be long before we have flying cars kezdjen tanulni
Niedługo będziemy mieli latające samochodyv
This will go down in history as... I think VR will go down in history as the more important invention ever kezdjen tanulni
In the future, we will see this as Myślę, że VR przejdzie do historii jako ważniejszy wynalazek w historii