kérdés |
válasz |
First thing to consider is the water absorption. kezdjen tanulni
1. wchłanianie 2. absorpcja
This is why our group decided to abstain in the final vote. kezdjen tanulni
1. powstrzymywać się 2. powstrzymywać się od głosu
Boredom is the first step to end the abstinence kezdjen tanulni
1. abstynencja 2. wstrzemiężliwość
Our character would be abstract if we didn't show anything. kezdjen tanulni
Art's an abstraction not a picture book. kezdjen tanulni
Something absurd happened you'll laugh. kezdjen tanulni
1. absurdalny 2. niedorzeczny
Suddenly the emptiness turns into abundance - and hopelessness into life. kezdjen tanulni
2015 is particularly abundant in joyous occasions in the lives of CM's employees. kezdjen tanulni
1. obfity 2. płodny 3. liczny
But I cannot abuse your goodness. kezdjen tanulni
1. nadużywać 2. znieważać
Breaking this plate was an abuse. Get out of my house. kezdjen tanulni
Your security is abysmal. kezdjen tanulni
I remember you tossing me into an abyss. kezdjen tanulni
Until 1985 he cooperated with the WSPS and AWF as academic teacher. kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
If we want to catch this thief we need to accelarate kezdjen tanulni
The weight of which could've been used to hold down the accelerator. kezdjen tanulni
1. pedał gazu 2. akcelerator 2. przyspieszać
This guy has weird accent. Where is he come from kezdjen tanulni
Do you accept this challlenge kezdjen tanulni
1. akceptować 2. przyjmować
What we need now is acceptance. kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Charged with bribery accessory to murder. kezdjen tanulni
1. współsprawca 2. współudział
It is accesible for all players. kezdjen tanulni
You give me the phone back and wear this stylish steel accessory. kezdjen tanulni
I swear to god it was an accident kezdjen tanulni
He's asking if it was an accidental fire. kezdjen tanulni
Remember that we are at altitude here so drink plenty of water while you acclimatize. kezdjen tanulni
1. zaaklimatyzować 2. przyzwyczaić się
In 1928 a larger church was built to accommodate the increasing number of pilgrims. kezdjen tanulni
1. przystosować 2. pomieścić
Include accommodation tourist tax and VAT. kezdjen tanulni
1. akomodacja 2. zakwaterowanie
Lady Brillantina accompany the king to dinner. kezdjen tanulni
There is nothing that we could not accomplish. kezdjen tanulni
That is quite an accomplishment in this business. kezdjen tanulni
1. osiągnięcie 2. dokonanie
Richard's reached an accord with her and she's been freed. kezdjen tanulni
According to the legends it should be right here kezdjen tanulni
According to the legends he sold his soul for the accordion kezdjen tanulni
To get more stuff create free account kezdjen tanulni
Head accountant Sweet Valentine Enterprises. kezdjen tanulni
Other people accumulate enough criteria only after months or years of observation. kezdjen tanulni
The accumulation of fluid in your abdomen is called ascites. kezdjen tanulni
If you want to ensure accuracy try to slow down kezdjen tanulni
Technically that wasn't an accusation. kezdjen tanulni
You got no right to accuse me. kezdjen tanulni
I am taking towel baths to which we all as astronauts should be accustomed. kezdjen tanulni
1. przyzwyczajony 2. zwyczajny
kezdjen tanulni