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lose the thread
She lost the thread of the conversation after a time. // But just like that he had lost the thread of the conversation. // After three sentences I have lost the thread of the argument.
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zgubić wątek
Maybe you got some grit in your eye. // A lorry full of grit arrived at the construction site.
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piasek, żwir
And something very unsettling in the way he looked at her. // We fully appreciate that coming into hospital can be an unsettling experience // His sense of humour was really unsettling
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On the wall was a picture of a robust young man. // He is in robust health // He was always the robust one, physically strong and mentally sharp.
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zdrowy, silny, krzepki, rosły (o człowieku)
Long and short vowels affect language rhythm // "A" and "E" are vowels.
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It's very difficult to pronounce a word with many consonants // The "H" consonant is silent in this word
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to cram
I had to cram for a test // before the exam, some students cram for it
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study for the exam in a very concentrated way for a short time
to cram
He tried to cram all his clothes in/into one suitcase.
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wpychać (np. ubranie do torby)
to cram
Eight children were crammed into the back of the car.
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wciskać się (np. do autobusu, do samochodu)
I need to do a revision before the exam tomorrow
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powtórka (przed egzaminem)
He is revising for his maths exam // When studying for a test, it is important to review actively, not passively. // Anna was nervously reviewing the material for her secondary-school leaving exam. (Am.E.)
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powtarzać materiał, uczyć się (przygotowując się do egzaminu)
past papers
Many of the following questions were taken from specimen and past papers. // Copies of past papers may be purchased from the Society. // Past papers enable you to experience the number, style and variety of exam questions.
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zestaw egzaminacyjny z poprzednich lat (używany np. przy przygotowaniach do egzaminów)
exam papers from the past years
learn by heart
You should simply learn it by heart. // But I know how many of my generation hated learning by heart. // Songs have to be learned by heart and performed on stage.
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uczyć się na pamięć
They do several different shows per year, and all music is memorized. // I had two weeks to memorize four years of work.
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rote learning
Rote learning is prevalent in many religious schools throughout the world. // I think our education is much more rote learning than the Japanese system, at least in mathematics.
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uczenie się na pamięć
purely by repetition
The only way to get through medical school is mnemonics. // He had been practicing mnemonics with Tom, and it seemed to work.
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mnemotechnika, mnemonika (sposoby ułatwiające zapamiętanie)
tricks that help you remember something
bury yourself in books
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zakop się w książkach
She focused on her task intensively. // He trained intensively to win the race.
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He has to write a composition for tomorrow. // Your son wrote an excellent composition, you should be proud!
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could be just 50-100 words, often used for school work
I have to finish writing my essay // What is the topic of your essay?
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longer than a composition, more serious
That will be your next assignment // The teacher gave the students an assignment.
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zadanie, zadanie domowe, zadana praca (w szkole, na uniwersytecie)
a long essay, often part of the course
When are you defending your dissertation? // He wrote his dissertation on neuroleptics.
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rozprawa (np. magisterska, doktorska)
a long, research-based work, for a degree or diploma
Your thesis is of practical importance, so you must publish it!
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praca naukowa, rozprawa
a very long, original, research-based work, for a higher degree e.g. PhD
plagiarism (using other people’s work as if it was yours)
Kids should be taught at an early age about plagiarism. // He has never been caught up in a plagiarism scandal.
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plagiat (używanie pracy innych ludzi tak, jakby była twoja)
I acknowledged that it was my fault. // I want you to acknowledge that there's a problem // I acknowledge him as our leader. // Please, acknowledge this reward as a recognition of your kindness.
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uznawać, przyjmować, przyznawać
You must submit your application by January 1st. // The developers submitted building plans for approval.
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przedstawiać (sprawę), składać (np. rezygnację), przedkładać, dostarczać (dokumenty)
Can you assess the value of this ring? // I can't assess how many people came to the concert // I need to assess these papers by tomorrow // Can you assess our chance to win this match?
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oceniać, poddawać ocenie, wyceniać, oszacowywać, określać (np. wartość czegoś)
carry out research / do research (less formal)
I'm going to carry out research on the impact of climate change on the environment // University academics carry out research
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prowadzić badania naukowe
open educational resources
Talk point: Why don't more academics use open educational resources? // Open educational resources often involve issues relating to intellectual property rights.
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otwarte zasoby edukacyjne
This sleeping bag is suitable for demanding weather conditions. // We have to deal with this demanding client.
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drop out
The team dropped out of the competition // I dropped out of university after the first semester. // I got a job so I will drop out of college.
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leave the course before the end

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